I have been without a computer for a while so I haven't been able to update the blog as I wanted... But here we are again!
The Cockerpuppies are doing great. There is one red female for sale still. If you are interested please contact Pia at saintcox@gmail.com. She can send you pictures up to date :) Two of the sables will stay and one red female already left. The last one, the Sable boy will leave in the weekend.
Japps ear recovered perfect. He had to be hospitalized for almost another week since he was to happy here at home but that was really good for him. His ear healed perfect and you can't tell that there was an accident by looking at it today! Once again thanks to Van Zandt Animal Care Clinic for all there effort and good work!
All horses and dogs are right now doing great. We got a new foal in Sweden. A Royal BW gave birth to a bay filly on April 27:th. She will be named Amaria DW to honour Maria Berg who owns Royal. Thank you Maria for letting us have a foal with Royal and thanks for all the work you put down! Hopefully Amaria DW will move over to the US in the fall together with her sister Amber BW.
Sugarsmile DW is also doing great. She is out on the pastures and playing and waiting for a friend. Next due is May 6:th...

Sugarsmile DW & Amaria DW
The Embroideryshop will open on Monday 4:th. The openinghours will be from 9 am - 4 pm. You are more than welcome to visit us!
We are also changing the website... the look will be the same but you will find it at www.daimilus.com. When we now have the computer where they should be we have more possibility to update the homepage more frequently.
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