March 18, 2009

Japp injured

To have many dogs together as we do right now is a challenge. How or why it happened is questions we probably never get the answer on but in some way any of the dogs got hold of Japps ear and sliced it in three. Luckely both me and mum were close when it happened so Japp came to the hospital very fast. It didn't take long until he was sleeping and on the emergencytable at Van Zandt Animal Clinic.

I would like to say thank you to Dr. Wingo and all his staff at the clinic today for everything! You were fantastic!!!! I screamed in someones ear (turned out to be Vicky's) when it happened and actually gave them ten minutes notice that I was coming and prepare surgery and when I got there after ten minutes everything was prepared for us! Thank you for taking so good care of Japp!!!!

We decided that Japp will stay until tomorrow due to that we have so many animals and the possibility for Japp to have some stronger medication at the hospital.
The surgery went well and Japp will come home tomorrow with a lot of stitches in his ear. I promise to show you some pictures tomorrow!!!

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