The weather has been pretty strange. This is how the fence looked like yesterday morning. It's been very very cold so both the dogs and horses wants to be indoors. Bad for the horses is that the water has frozed in the barn so to get water they need to be outdoors. But they have two blankets on instead. Think about where we are from. This is how it looks like all winter in Sweden... icy, cold, and wet, not nice...
The Cocker Spaniel puppies will be shipped to their new home tomorrow. I will be at the airport at 7 am to drop them of. One of them, Yen, will stay with us. They had their last vetexam yesterday and it went perfectly well so now all the papers should be in order for the trip. They will have a bath tonight so they look nice tomorrow.
We have one of the embroiderymachines up and running. The second one is still broken and we have ordered parts for it that will come during next week. But now we can start doing small things since it is the small machine that works. I will put up some pictures of some of the work we do here...
Daim has been practising agility a couple of times in the last week and he is doing good. He is starting to understand what the wavepoles are about and he thinks it is fun.
I think that will be all for today!
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